Responsive Props

One of the core features of Palette is it's use of responsive props (or array props). This unique feature was first introduced by styled-system, the underlying library we use for much of Palette's functionality, and allows devs to write fully responsive components by expanding normal react props into an array, with each slot representing a breakpoint.


The below will serve to clarify:

At xs the box is 25% wide, and greater than xs matches breakpoints going up to the largest. Scale the browser to see it in action.
<BorderBox width={["25%", "50%", "75%", "100%"]}>
  <Text variant={["xl", "lg", "md", "sm"]}>
    At xs the box is 25% wide, and greater than xs matches breakpoints going up
    to the largest. Scale the browser to see it in action.

All props in Palette are responsive like this which makes for extremely rapid iteration times when compared with conventional css-based media query approaches.

For more info, check out the styled-system docs. Also check out our comprehensive blogpost on how we handle responsive layouts when server-side rendering.

Developer flow

Different engineers will approach layout and responsive props in their own way, but a suggested approach would be to build out your layout using normal, non-array props, and then once the desktop version looks good, go back and annotate your components with array props, representing the mobile view. In practice this works well.

All Breakpoints

  "xl": "1192px",
  "lg": "1024px",
  "md": "900px",
  "sm": "768px",
  "xs": "767px"
On this page
Developer flow
All Breakpoints